There are two characteristics that describe the behavior of the defeated Tigrai Liberation Front (TPLF). First “its delusional belief that, regardless of the truth, it is possible to create a new reality on the ground” and second “its ignorance that people in Eritrea are dump and they will always believe what TPLF wants them to believe.” According to the outdated TPLF’s Dedebit cadre school philosophy, pure lies are alternative facts and if you repeat the lies constantly people will assume that they are true. The TPLF that deported more than 70,000 Eritreans because the color of their eyes was different, one day woke up from its deep sleep to find out that in fact the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea were related. To be specific, it believes the Tigrigna Speaking Eritreans are related to the Tigrigna Speaking Tigreans because they come from common ancestors called “Agaiazians”. Yes, from deep in its heart TPLF believes there are common threats to the TPLF-baptized “Agaiazians”. TPLF wants us to believe that the common threats are the Oromos, the Amharas, and of course the Moslems and it is important for the “Agaiazians” (Eritrean Highlanders and Tigray) to come together and fight their enemies. Here you are. What TPLF failed to understand is that Agaiazians” are also the ancestors of Eritrean Muslims, that it classifies as a threat to Tigray and Eritrean highlanders. The TPLF that instigated a border war and killed more than 19,000 Eritreans and continued to occupy sovereign Eritrean territories until recently pushed out by force, planned, executed a failed economic, political, and military siege against Eritrea, and worked with westerners to drain Eritrean youth, suddenly woke up from its deep sleep and found out that Eritreans were in fact related to Tigreans. For those who have gone through the worn-out “Tigrai-Tigrini” propaganda, TPLF’s new “Agaiazian” agenda is nothing but a laughingstock. However, for those who are new to the “Agaiazian” propaganda, investigating it a little further may not hurt at all. The propaganda has been pushed on four fronts: Ethiopian Information Network Security Agency (INSA), Simmerr Paltalk, Aiga forum, and the so-called “Agaiazianstv”.
Many people may not know that the “Agaiazian” defunct agenda was incubated and managed under TPLF’s INSA. It was a project headed by the ex-head of INSA, General Teklebrhan Woldeargay. His deputy, Colonel Binyam Tewolde also headed another propaganda project against Eritrea called “Sactisim.” The TPLF believed that due to military pressure, sanctions, and economic hardships, drain of manpower, sooner or later, the Eritrean Government was going to collapse. Accordingly, TPLF was preparing the ground to vertically polarize Eritreans, annex the highlands of Eritrea, and establish a Greater Tigray. Regardless of its effectiveness, INSA decided to push it to unsuspecting Eritreans using the many outlets mentioned above. Below are the details.
Money was heavily used to incentivize people who were willing to disseminate the “Agaiazian” defunct ideology. Some years ago, the TPLF-financed “Simmerr Paltalk” was in turmoil. The reason for that turmoil was that some unsuspecting members of the pal talk found out that $5000 was deposited to their bank accounts without their knowledge. When the news leaked, it was discovered that an INSA operative by the name Berhe Desta “Aka Pilot” was in fact the one who brought the money from INSA and incentivized those who performed well in the pal talk. To be clear good performance in “Simmerr Pal talk” was measured by the person’s effectiveness in attacking the people and government of Eritrea and the person’s openness to the “Agaiazian” defunct ideology. Based on that measurement of effectiveness, those who performed well were entitled to the $5000 INSA’s incentive and were paid accordingly. As the turmoil progressed some members, obviously those who did not receive the incentive, asked for every administrator in the Pal talk to disclose his/her identity. When the question was posed to the main TPLF stooge and Bereket Simon’s personal messenger who goes by the nickname “Amiche”, he started performing a circus in the already circus-filled Pal talk room. First, he said he would tell his identity only to some select administrators. When pushed further, he said he was from the Tigrina Ethnic group. Again, when probed further he argued that he did not have to name the country or village because the Tigrina of Eritrea were the same as the Tigrina of Tigrai. Here you have, Amiche was forced to expose the hidden “Agaiazian” agenda given to him by his bosses in INSA and Bereket Simon.
After it was clear that TPLF was about to be totally rejected by the Oromos and Amharas, the “Agaiazian” propaganda started to get traction. On September 13, 2016, a writer by the pen name “Abadi Abay” provided a detailed analysis of the “Agaiazians” agenda. Unconfirmed reports describe the person behind the commentary as being Bereket Simon. The fact that Aiga forum was considered the mouthpiece of TPLF, the commentary was clear evidence that the “Agaiazian” agenda has been pushed by TPLF at the highest level. Some Eritreans were angry at the commentary and gave a rebuttal to it. Mr. Abadi Abay never responded. For those who are interested, you can read Mr. Abadi Abay’s analysis on the link below. When you read it, you will find out how TPLF crafted and tried to sell the“Agaiazians” agenda.
Since the commentary was published at Aiga forum, it has been common to see different TPLF operatives and their proxies amplifying the “Agaiazian” agenda in different outlets. What is different about the YouTube based so called “Agaiazian” TV is that propaganda is embedded in religion. The TPLF undercover uses religion to make a point about the need for the “Agaiazian” nation and openly demonizes the Muslim citizens of Eritrea. This YouTube TV’s propaganda is directed at unsuspecting refugee youngsters in Europe who went through tough times and are clinging to religion.
After the TPLF was pushed out from power in Addis Ababa by the combined force of the Oromo and Amhara youth several “Agaiazian” focused meetings were held in Mekelle. TPLF Propagandists like Meressa Tsehaye started to appear on Tigray TV and were clearly indicating that Tigray’s future was to the North, which means Eritrea. Strange and ignorant individuals were also interviewed by Tigray TV and the Tigray Media House branch of Mekelle. Some of the meetings were led by none other than ex-INSA head, General Teklebrhan Weldeargay. When the TPLF instigated Nov 4th, 2020, war of insurrection, was decisively crashed by the Ethiopian Federal Government, supported by Eritrea, General Weldeargay did not waste time blaming the Eritrean Muslims (Tibah Tibah) which was later amplified by Tigray Media House. This was a continuation of the “Agaiazian” propaganda line.
When TPLF was defeated several INSA funded proponents of the defunct “Agaiazian” ideology started to emerge. This group is made up of Eritrea born and raised Tigreans, Tigreans who stole Eritrean identity and resettled to Europe and North America as Eritreans, Eritreans who are married to Tigreans, and a few Eritreans who had a grudge against the Eritrean government. Because they are out of the accepted cultural norms of the Eritrean society these individuals have an identity crisis. When TPLF started the war of insurrection on Nov. 4th, 2020, they were pretty sure that it would bring regime change in Eritrea and they were lining up to take power in Asmara. That way they thought their identity crisis would be resolved. When they knew TPLF was defeated and signed the Pretoria surrender agreement, first they started lashing out at the TPLF for betraying the Tigray people. Then to quell the anger TPLF agents visited Europe and North America and held discussions on how to activate the defunct “Agaiazian” ideology. The re-direction was re-enforced by bringing previously hidden INSA funded individuals like Mr. Bokretsion from Germany and some refugees settled in Israel, Europe, and North America. Long opponents of the Eritrean independence like Yosef Gebrehiwot (Felsi), Beyene Gerezgher (Bruh metsae) and another Yosef Gebrehiwet (J Studio) were made to lead it. Out of the money provided by the TPLF they created a terrorist group called “Birgade Nehamedu”. By the way money raised in the diaspora does not go to Tigray or is not used to buy food for the needy people of Tigray. It is solely used for such Terrorist activities. It goes to destitute people, like Yohanes Abraha and his followers, who suffer from identity crisis. Remember, the ignorant Birgade Nehamedu leader, Yohannes Abraha’s father was a “Dergue shamble” who used to work in Housing Authority (Kiray Abayti) in Massawa, Dekemhare and Later in Asmara. He never had any normal upbringing and according to his words, growing up he was always searching for his identity. When someone investigates the background of those people it would not be difficult to find out that they are victims of identity crisis, and they are a perfect Target for TPLF to advance its terrorist activities.
When TPLF decided to deport Eritreans from Ethiopia in 1998, Tigreans not only were at the fore front in identifying and collecting Eritreans who used to live all over Ethiopia to deportation centers like some cattle, they were also the primary confiscators of the hard earned private property owned by the nearly 70,000 Eritreans deported by TPLF from Ethiopia. Again, that makes Tigreans willing or unwilling participators in the crime TPLF perpetrated against innocent Eritreans. Accordingly, there is no question that Eritreans know that the “Agaiazian” agenda is TPLF’s wicked strategy to polarize Eritreans vertically. TPLF tried to divide the people of Eritrea by creating armed groups for each Eritrean Ethnic group and failed miserably. Now under the heels of such colossal failure, TPLF is promoting the “Agaiazian” agenda. Fortunately, as the destructive activities of TPLF terrorist group and its surrogates continue, the support of Eritreans to their government increases. So, in some ways, it is a blessing in disguise. Eritrean Unity is shaped in the 30 years of struggle for independence and since then the common bond has been getting stronger.
Awet N’Hafash and Eternal Glory to Our Myrters.