“In terms of the handover of Weapons people who watch the television might feel some discomfort. But I can assure you that what they expected of us and what we are doing is different. We will never put our security at risk.” Tigray Regional Interim President Getachew Reda.
The history of the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF) is full of deceit, lies, and drama. The Good thing is everyone knows that. In the last two months TPLF has been performing four big Dramas: the handover of heavy and group weapons to the African Monitoring Group, the reintegration of combatants, the investigation of aid theft, and finally the rape of Tigray women by the Eritrean Forces. Let’s analyze each of them in detail.
Recently the AU monitoring Group in Mekelle announced that almost 85% of the weapon handover has been completed. Right from the start the announcement was perceived as a naïve assessment of the situation. When TPLF was defeated in the Shire-Adwa Front and signed the peace deal in Pretoria something unusual was happening in all war fronts around Tigray. TPLF commanders were collecting heavy and group weapons and burying them deep in the ground. Given the past behavior of TPLF, this act was well expected. All the weapons handed over the news were a television drama. In Tigray, before the war broke out in November 2020 there was a heavily armed Northern command and weapons were stored everywhere as far as the Tambien mountains. Also, there were many malfunctioning weapons. What TPLF did was collect those malfunctioning weapons and hand them over to the monitoring Group. If you do not believe this listen to what President Getachew Reda Said to a group of Tigray Traders who expressed their discomfort with surrendering weapons. He said “In terms of the handover of Weapons people who watch the television might feel some discomfort. But I can assure you that what they expected of us and what we are doing is different. We will never put our security at Risk.” Here you go. He said he is deceiving the AU monitoring Group.
The reintegration of TPLF ex-combatants to civilian life was to follow the disarmament of weapons. In realty, TPLF has already been Training thousands of new recruits. If TPLF is sincere in demobilizing its left-over army, why does it need to train new ones? The training of new recruits has two major objectives. First to get more demobilization money from the federal government and other aid groups and second to bolster the destroyed TPLF Army. Basically, the more recruits TPLF trains the more money it gets for demobilization. After they receive the money, the trained recruit could return to the TPLF army in the blink of an eye.
TPLF’s other drama is the investigation of aid theft. The aid was diverted to feed new recruits and the rest of the TPLF routed Army. For food, medicine, and oil TPLF totally depends on Aid. What has been in the market is just the tip of the ice burg. Any one in his/her right mind does not expect TPLF to feed its army from another source of food because TPLF has not another source. So, is the thief going to investigate himself? The most comical act is TPLF asking the public to provide tips about those who stole the Aid. Well, any person who provides a tip will be visiting the TPLF inhumane prison the next day. The whole drama is to convince the aid agencies that TPLF is doing an investigation and will bring the culprits to the court of justice soon. Where did TPLF’s call for independent investigation mantra disappear? The reality is the Aid agencies need to accept that when they deliver aid, they are also feeding TPLF combatants and enriching the pockets of corrupt TPLF officials. That is the way it is.
Recently leaked information indicated that there are close to 780 pregnant mostly TPLF combatant women in the Adi Haqi compass near Mekelle. These pregnant women are raped by TPLF military officials repeatedly and they do not know who the father of their children is. The initial objective was to prove to visiting foreign officials that the Eritrean Army raped the women. When the real story broke out the person who oversaw the drama was recently thrown into jail. This is just a mishap. TPLF will rebrand the story and bring it to the surface as new.
TPLF thinks it could outsmart everyone. It is true. In the last 27 years, it has outsmarted the Western world and collected billions of dollars in aid. The aid was diverted and used to pay for The Tuition of children of Corrupt TPLF officials studying at very expensive Universities in the USA, Europe, and China. Also using that aid TPLF bought expensive missiles to attack mining infrastructure deep inside Eritrea. Fortunately, it didn’t end up well for TPLF. Currently, it is a wounded animal, and it is only using the situation to rehabilitate itself. Sooner or later TPLF will start the usual theatrical acts of victim mentality and rhetoric to drag the Tigray people into another dangerous conflict. Being cancelled as a party will even escalate such rhetoric. Since TPLF was told it was cancelled as a party how many meetings and demonstrations did you observe in Tigray?
Awet Ne Hafsah and Eternal Glory to our Martyrs.